Array.h | This file defines the Array_<T,X> class and related support classes including base classes ArrayViewConst_<T,X> and ArrayView_<T,X>, and helper class ArrayIndexTraits<X> |
Assembler.h | |
AssemblyCondition.h | |
AssemblyCondition_Markers.h | |
AssemblyCondition_OrientationSensors.h | |
AssemblyCondition_QValue.h | |
basics.h | Includes internal headers providing declarations for the basic SimTK Core classes |
BicubicSurface.h | This file defines the BicubicSurface class, and the BicubicFunction class that uses it to create a two-argument Function object |
BigMatrix.h | This file defines the client side of the SimTK::Matrix classes, which hold medium to large, variable-sized matrices whose elements are packed SimTK "Composite Numerical Types" (CNTs) |
Body.h | This defines the API for the Body base class and concrete Body types like Body::Rigid that are derived from it |
CablePath.h | This file declares the CablePath and CableObstacle classes |
CableSpring.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass CableSpring, providing an elastic band force element that follows a given CablePath |
CableTrackerSubsystem.h | |
CloneOnWritePtr.h | |
ClonePtr.h | |
CollisionDetectionAlgorithm.h | |
Simbody/include/simbody/internal/common.h | Every Simbody header and source file should include this header before any other Simbody header |
SimTKcommon/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h | Mandatory first inclusion for any Simbody source or header file |
SimTKmath/include/simmath/internal/common.h | This is the header file that every Simmath compilation unit should include first |
CompliantContactSubsystem.h | |
CompositeNumericalTypes.h | The purpose of the CNT<T> class is to hide the differences between built-in numerical types and composite ones like Vec<3> |
ConditionalConstraint.h | |
conjugate.h | This file defines the conjugate<R> template class, where R is one of the three built-in real types |
Constants.h | High precision mathematical and physical constants |
Constraint.h | This defines the base Constraint class and related classes, which are used to specify limitations on the mobility of the mobilized bodies in a SimbodyMatterSubsystem |
Constraint_Ball.h | Declares the Constraint::Ball class |
Constraint_BuiltIns.h | Include the header files that define each of the built-in constraint subclasses of class Constraint |
Constraint_LineOnLineContact.h | Declares the Constraint::LineOnLineContact class |
Constraint_PointInPlane.h | Declares the Constraint::PointInPlane class |
Constraint_PointOnPlaneContact.h | Declares the Constraint::PointOnPlaneContact class |
Constraint_Rod.h | Declares the Constraint::Rod class |
Constraint_SphereOnPlaneContact.h | Declares the Constraint::SphereOnPlaneContact class |
Constraint_SphereOnSphereContact.h | Declares the Constraint::SphereOnSphereContact class |
Constraint_Weld.h | Declares the Constraint::Weld class |
Contact.h | |
ContactGeometry.h | Defines the ContactGeometry class and its API-visible local subclasses for individual contact shapes |
ContactSurface.h | Declares ContactMaterial and ContactSurface classes |
ContactTracker.h | |
ContactTrackerSubsystem.h | |
CoordinateAxis.h | Defines the CoordinateAxis and CoordinateDirection classes |
CPodesIntegrator.h | |
DecorationGenerator.h | |
DecorationSubsystem.h | Define the public interface to DecorationSubsystem, a "do nothing" subsystem providing a place for a MultibodySystem Modeler to toss in some visuals which may optionally be displayed by an application which uses that System |
DecorativeGeometry.h | Declarations of DecorativeGeometry and related derived classes |
Differentiator.h | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath numerical differentiation tools |
ElasticFoundationForce.h | |
Event.h | This file declares the types needed for Simbody's support for Events |
EventHandler.h | |
EventReporter.h | |
Exception.h | |
ExceptionMacros.h | This file contains macros which are convenient to use for sprinkling error checking around liberally in SimTK programs, a practice which is highly encouraged |
ExplicitEulerIntegrator.h | |
Force.h | |
Force_BuiltIns.h | Include the header files that define each of the built-in force subclasses of Force |
Force_Custom.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::Custom, and its related class Force::Custom::Implemnetation, and is logically part of Force.h |
Force_DiscreteForces.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::DiscreteForces and is logically part of Force.h |
Force_Gravity.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::Gravity and is logically part of Force.h |
Force_LinearBushing.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::LinearBushing and is logically part of Force.h |
Force_MobilityConstantForce.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::MobilityConstantForce and is logically part of Force.h |
Force_MobilityDiscreteForce.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::MobilityDiscreteForce and is logically part of Force.h |
Force_MobilityLinearDamper.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::MobilityLinearDamper and is logically part of Force.h |
Force_MobilityLinearSpring.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::MobilityLinearSpring and is logically part of Force.h |
Force_MobilityLinearStop.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::MobilityLinearStop and is logically part of Force.h |
Force_Thermostat.h | This contains the user-visible API ("handle" class) for the SimTK::Force subclass Force::Thermostat and is logically part of Force.h |
ForceSubsystem.h | |
ForceSubsystemGuts.h | Define the extendable library-side implementation of the ForceSubsystem |
Fortran.h | This header defines a set of macros which are useful for making calls to Fortran routines from C++ programs |
Function.h | |
GCVSPLUtil.h | |
GeneralContactSubsystem.h | |
GeneralForceSubsystem.h | |
Geo.h | Defines geometric primitive shapes and algorthms |
Geo_BicubicBezierPatch.h | Provides primitive operations for a single bicubic Bezier patch using either single or double precision |
Geo_BicubicHermitePatch.h | Provides primitive operations for a single bicubic Hermite patch using either single or double precision |
Geo_Box.h | Defines primitive operations involving 3d rectangular boxes |
Geo_CubicBezierCurve.h | Provides primitive operations for a single bicubic Bezier curve using either single or double precision |
Geo_CubicHermiteCurve.h | Provides primitive operations for a single cubic Hermite curve using either single or double precision |
Geo_LineSeg.h | Collects primitive operations involving line segments |
Geo_Point.h | Defines primitive computations involving points |
Geo_Sphere.h | Defines primitive operations on spheres |
Geo_Triangle.h | Defines primitive operations on triangles |
Geodesic.h | This file defines the Geodesic class |
GeodesicIntegrator.h | Contains a stripped-down low overhead numerical integrator for use with small, fixed-sized sets of Differential-Algebraic equations such as arise when computing geodesics over smooth surfaces |
HuntCrossleyContact.h | Define the public interface to HuntCrossleyContact, a subsystem which provides some minimal contact behavior |
HuntCrossleyForce.h | |
ImpulseSolver.h | |
Integrator.h | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath numerical integration tools |
IteratorRange.h | |
LinearAlgebra.h | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK Simmath linear algebra tools |
LocalEnergyMinimizer.h | |
MassProperties.h | These are utility classes for dealing with mass properties, particularly those messy inertias |
Mat.h | This file declares class Mat<NROWS, NCOLS, ELEMENT_TYPE, COL_SPACING, ROW_SPACING> |
Matrix_.h | Define the SimTK::Matrix_ class that is part of Simbody's BigMatrix toolset |
MatrixBase.h | Define the SimTK::MatrixBase class that is part of Simbody's BigMatrix toolset |
MatrixCharacteristics.h | Here we declare the classes needed for managing the properties of matrices, which we call Matrix Characteristics |
MatrixHelper.h | Here we declare the detailed interface to the Simmatrix classes |
MatrixView_.h | Define the SimTK::MatrixView_ class that is part of Simbody's BigMatrix toolset |
Measure.h | This file declares the base class AbstractMeasure for all derived Measure handle classes, and the handle classes for built-in Measures |
MeasureImplementation.h | |
Mechanics.h | This header collects all the Mechanics header files in one place |
MobilizedBody.h | This defines the MobilizedBody class, which associates a new body (the "child", "outboard", or "successor" body) with a mobilizer and a reference frame on an existing body (the "parent", "inboard", or "predecessor" body) that is already part of a SimbodyMatterSubsystem |
MobilizedBody_Ball.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Ball class |
MobilizedBody_BendStretch.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::BendStretch class |
MobilizedBody_BuiltIns.h | Include the header files that define each of the built-in mobilizer subclasses of MobilizedBody |
MobilizedBody_Bushing.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Bushing class |
MobilizedBody_Custom.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Custom and MobilizedBody::Custom::Implementation subclasses |
MobilizedBody_Cylinder.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Cylinder class |
MobilizedBody_Ellipsoid.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Ellipsoid class |
MobilizedBody_Free.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Free class |
MobilizedBody_FreeLine.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::FreeLine class |
MobilizedBody_FunctionBased.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::FunctionBased class |
MobilizedBody_Gimbal.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Gimbal class |
MobilizedBody_Ground.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Ground class |
MobilizedBody_LineOrientation.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::LineOrientation class |
MobilizedBody_Pin.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Pin class |
MobilizedBody_Planar.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Planar class |
MobilizedBody_Screw.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Screw class |
MobilizedBody_Slider.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Slider class |
MobilizedBody_SphericalCoords.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::SphericalCoords class |
MobilizedBody_Translation.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Translation class |
MobilizedBody_Universal.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Universal class |
MobilizedBody_Weld.h | Declares the MobilizedBody::Weld class |
Motion.h | This defines the Motion class, which is used to specify how the mobilities associated with a particular mobilizer are to be treated |
MultibodyGraphMaker.h | Declares the SimTK::MultibodyGraphMaker class for use in constructing a spanning-tree-plus-constraints representation of a multibody system from a list of its bodies and joints |
MultibodySystem.h | |
negator.h | This file defines the negator<N> template which is an adaptor for the numeric types N (Real, Complex, conjugate) |
NTraits.h | This file contains classes and typedefs needed to provide uniform handling of floating point numeric values |
OBBTree.h | Defines an oriented bounding box tree with generalized leaves |
ObservedPointFitter.h | |
Optimizer.h | |
OptimizerRep.h | |
Orientation.h | These are numerical utility classes for dealing with the relative orientations of geometric objects |
OrientedBoundingBox.h | |
Parallel2DExecutor.h | |
ParallelExecutor.h | |
ParallelWorkQueue.h | |
ParticleConSurfaceSystem.h | |
Pathname.h | Declaration of the SimTK::Pathname class providing platform-independent manipulation of file pathnames |
PGSImpulseSolver.h | |
Plugin.h | Declaration of the SimTK::Plugin class providing platform-independent handling of dynamically-loaded libraries |
PLUSImpulseSolver.h | |
PolygonalMesh.h | |
PolynomialRootFinder.h | |
PrivateImplementation.h | This header provides declarations of the user-visible portion of the PIMPLHandle template classes that are used in the SimTK Core to implement the PIMPL (private implementation) design pattern |
PrivateImplementation_Defs.h | This header provides the definitions of the PIMPLHandle template methods as declared in PrivateImplementation.h, and also the declaration and definition of the template classes used for creating well- behaved implementation classes |
Quaternion.h | |
Random.h | |
ReferencePtr.h | |
ReinitOnCopy.h | |
ResetOnCopy.h | |
Rotation.h | |
Row.h | This file declares class Row<NCOLS, ELEMENT_TYPE, STRIDE> |
RowVector_.h | Define the SimTK::RowVector_ class that is part of Simbody's BigMatrix toolset |
RowVectorBase.h | Define the SimTK::RowVectorBase class that is part of Simbody's BigMatrix toolset |
RowVectorView_.h | Define the SimTK::RowVectorView_ class that is part of Simbody's BigMatrix toolset |
RungeKutta2Integrator.h | |
RungeKutta3Integrator.h | |
RungeKuttaFeldbergIntegrator.h | |
RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator.h | |
Scalar.h | This is a user-includable header which includes everything needed to make use of SimMatrix Scalar code |
SemiExplicitEuler2Integrator.h | |
SemiExplicitEulerIntegrator.h | |
SemiExplicitEulerTimeStepper.h | |
Serialize.h | This file contains definitions of templatized serialize-to-stream methods specialized for the built-in C++ and SimTK low-level classes |
Simbody.h | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up all Simbody capabilities. Note that all symbols defined here will be in the SimTK namespace, or (where a namespace can't be used) prefixed by "SimTK_" |
SimbodyMainpage.h | This "header" file is actually just the source for Simbody's Doxygen Mainpage, the first page that a user sees when entering the Doxygen- generated API documentation |
SimbodyMatterSubsystem.h | |
SimbodyMatterSubtree.h | |
Simmatrix.h | This is the header which should be included in user programs that would like to make use of all the Simmatrix facilities, but none of the other parts of SimTKcommon |
SimTKcommon.h | Includes internal headers providing declarations for the basic SimTK Core classes, including Simmatrix |
SimTKcpodes.h | This is the header file that user code should include to pick up the SimTK C++ interface to the Sundials CPODES coordinate-projection integrator |
SimTKmath.h | |
SimTKsimbody.h | This header file includes all the Simbody header files that need to be visible to a compiler processing a Simbody-using compilation unit. However, user programs should included only the top-level Simbody.h header (which will include this one) |
SimTKsimbody_aux.h | Obsolete – this header file is obsolete as of Simbody 2.2 |
SmallDefsThatNeedBig.h | This file defines leftover SmallMatrix implementations which need to know about our BigMatrix classes |
SmallMatrix.h | This file is the user-includeable header to be included in user programs to provide fixed-length Vec & Mat classes |
SmallMatrixMixed.h | This file defines global functions and class members which use a mix of Vec, Row, and Mat types and hence need to wait until everything is defined |
SpatialAlgebra.h | These are declarations for special matrices and vectors of use in implementing Rodriguez and Jain's Spatial Operator Algebra |
Spline.h | |
SplineFitter.h | |
StableArray.h | |
Stage.h | |
State.h | Declares the user-visible part of a SimTK::State, the implementation is done in a separate internal class |
StateImpl.h | This is part of the internal implementation of SimTK::State and does not contain any user-visible objects |
String.h | |
Study.h | |
StudyGuts.h | |
Subsystem.h | |
SubsystemGuts.h | |
SymMat.h | This file declares templatized class SymMat for small, fixed-size symmetric matrices |
System.h | |
SystemGuts.h | |
TemplatizedLapack.h | These is a templatized, C++ callable interface to LAPACK and BLAS |
Testing.h | This file defines a SimTK::Test class and some related macros which provide functionality useful in regression tests |
TextDataEventReporter.h | |
TimeStepper.h | |
Timing.h | This file ensures that we have access to the Posix time functions clock_getttime() and nanosleep(), and also provides some convenient methods for use in common timing situations |
Transform.h | |
UnitVec.h | Declares and defines the UnitVec and UnitRow classes |
Value.h | |
Vec.h | Declaration of class Vec<NROWS, ELEMENT_TYPE, STRIDE> |
Vector_.h | Define the SimTK::Vector_ class that is part of Simbody's BigMatrix toolset |
VectorBase.h | Define the SimTK::VectorBase class that is part of Simbody's BigMatrix toolset |
VectorIterator.h | Defines an iterator that can be used to iterate over the elements of any kind of Simbody vector |
VectorMath.h | This file defines a large number of standard math functions that can be applied to vectors and matrices (both the large matrix and small matrix classes) |
VectorView_.h | Define the SimTK::VectorView_ class that is part of Simbody's BigMatrix toolset |
VerletIntegrator.h | |
Visualizer.h | Declares the Visualizer class used for collecting Simbody simulation results for display and interaction through the visualizer |
Visualizer_InputListener.h | This defines the InputListener class that is internal to the Visualizer, and the InputSilo class derived from it |
Visualizer_Reporter.h | |
Xml.h | |