| Subsystem () |
| Default constructor creates and empty handle with a null Subsystem::Guts pointer. More...
| Subsystem (const Subsystem &) |
| Copy constructor clones the Subsystem::Guts object if there is one and makes this the owner handle of the new clone. More...
Subsystem & | operator= (const Subsystem &) |
| Copy assignment deletes the Subsystem::Guts object if there is one and then behaves like the copy constructor. More...
| ~Subsystem () |
| Destructor deletes the referenced Subsystem::Guts object if this is the owner handle of that object, otherwise does nothing. More...
These convenience methods are inline pass-throughs to the State methods of the same name but insert this Subsystem's SubsystemIndex as the first argument.
That is the value returned by the getMySubsystemIndex() method. An exception will be thrown if this Subsystem is not contained in a System.
See the SimTK::State documentation for the meaning of these methods; the behavior is identical here.
QIndex | allocateQ (State &s, const Vector &qInit) const |
UIndex | allocateU (State &s, const Vector &uInit) const |
ZIndex | allocateZ (State &s, const Vector &zInit) const |
DiscreteVariableIndex | allocateDiscreteVariable (State &s, Stage g, AbstractValue *v) const |
DiscreteVariableIndex | allocateAutoUpdateDiscreteVariable (State &s, Stage invalidates, AbstractValue *v, Stage updateDependsOn) const |
CacheEntryIndex | allocateCacheEntry (const State &s, Stage dependsOn, Stage computedBy, AbstractValue *v) const |
CacheEntryIndex | allocateCacheEntry (const State &state, Stage g, AbstractValue *v) const |
CacheEntryIndex | allocateLazyCacheEntry (const State &state, Stage earliest, AbstractValue *v) const |
QErrIndex | allocateQErr (const State &s, int nqerr) const |
UErrIndex | allocateUErr (const State &s, int nuerr) const |
UDotErrIndex | allocateUDotErr (const State &s, int nudoterr) const |
EventTriggerByStageIndex | allocateEventTriggersByStage (const State &s, Stage g, int ntriggers) const |
const Vector & | getQ (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getU (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getZ (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUWeights (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getZWeights (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updQ (State &s) const |
Vector & | updU (State &s) const |
Vector & | updZ (State &s) const |
const Vector & | getQDot (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUDot (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getZDot (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getQDotDot (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updQDot (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updUDot (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updZDot (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updQDotDot (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getQErr (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUErr (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getQErrWeights (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUErrWeights (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUDotErr (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getMultipliers (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getEventTriggersByStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
Vector & | updQErr (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updUErr (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updUDotErr (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updMultipliers (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updEventTriggersByStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
SystemQIndex | getQStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNQ (const State &s) const |
SystemUIndex | getUStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNU (const State &s) const |
SystemZIndex | getZStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNZ (const State &s) const |
SystemQErrIndex | getQErrStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNQErr (const State &s) const |
SystemUErrIndex | getUErrStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNUErr (const State &s) const |
SystemUDotErrIndex | getUDotErrStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNUDotErr (const State &s) const |
SystemMultiplierIndex | getMultipliersStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNMultipliers (const State &s) const |
SystemEventTriggerByStageIndex | getEventTriggerStartByStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
int | getNEventTriggersByStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
void | setQ (State &s, const Vector &q) const |
void | setU (State &s, const Vector &u) const |
void | setZ (State &s, const Vector &z) const |
Stage | getStage (const State &s) const |
void | advanceToStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
const AbstractValue & | getDiscreteVariable (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex index) const |
AbstractValue & | updDiscreteVariable (State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex index) const |
const AbstractValue & | getCacheEntry (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex index) const |
AbstractValue & | updCacheEntry (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex index) const |
Real | getDiscreteVarLastUpdateTime (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
CacheEntryIndex | getDiscreteVarUpdateIndex (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
const AbstractValue & | getDiscreteVarUpdateValue (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
AbstractValue & | updDiscreteVarUpdateValue (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
bool | isDiscreteVarUpdateValueRealized (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
void | markDiscreteVarUpdateValueRealized (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
bool | isCacheValueRealized (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex cx) const |
void | markCacheValueRealized (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex cx) const |
void | markCacheValueNotRealized (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex cx) const |
These methods are not commonly used by end users.
They are concerned with the mechanics of creating and managing a Subsystem, typically a concern of Subsystem developers. These are mostly inline pass-throughs to the Subsystem::Guts object pointed to by this handle.
const String & | getName () const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
const String & | getVersion () const |
| Obtain the Subsystem version string if one was given on construction. More...
bool | isInSystem () const |
| Return true if this Subsystem is contained in a System. More...
bool | isInSameSystem (const Subsystem &otherSubsystem) const |
| Return true if this Subsystem is contained in the same System as contains the given otherSubsystem. More...
const System & | getSystem () const |
| Return a const reference to the System that contains this Subsystem. More...
System & | updSystem () |
| Return a writable reference to the System that contains this Subsystem. More...
void | setSystem (System &system, SubsystemIndex subx) |
| Inform this Subsystem of the System that contains it, as well as the SubsystemIndex which the System has assigned to it. More...
SubsystemIndex | getMySubsystemIndex () const |
| Return the SubsystemIndex within the containing System. More...
bool | isEmptyHandle () const |
| Return true if this handle has a null Subsystem::Guts pointer. More...
bool | isSameSubsystem (const Subsystem &otherSubsystem) const |
| Determine if this Subsystem handle refers to the same Subsystem::Guts object as handle otherSubsystem. More...
bool | isOwnerHandle () const |
| Is this Subsystem handle the owner of the Subsystem::Guts object it points to? This is true if the handle is empty or if its Guts object points back to this handle. More...
bool | subsystemTopologyHasBeenRealized () const |
| Returns true if this Subsystem's realizeTopology() method has been called since the last topological change or call to invalidateSubsystemTopologyCache(). More...
void | invalidateSubsystemTopologyCache () const |
| Always call this method when a topological change is made to this Subsystem to indicate that any Stage::Topology cache values may need recomputation. More...
MeasureIndex | adoptMeasure (AbstractMeasure &) |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
AbstractMeasure | getMeasure (MeasureIndex) const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
template<class T > |
Measure_< T > | getMeasure_ (MeasureIndex mx) const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
const Subsystem::Guts & | getSubsystemGuts () const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
Subsystem::Guts & | updSubsystemGuts () |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
void | adoptSubsystemGuts (Subsystem::Guts *g) |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
| Subsystem (Subsystem::Guts *g) |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
bool | hasGuts () const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...