| ForceSubsystem () |
| SimTK_PIMPL_DOWNCAST (ForceSubsystem, Subsystem) |
Guts & | updRep () |
const Guts & | getRep () const |
| Subsystem () |
| Default constructor creates and empty handle with a null Subsystem::Guts pointer. More...
| Subsystem (const Subsystem &) |
| Copy constructor clones the Subsystem::Guts object if there is one and makes this the owner handle of the new clone. More...
Subsystem & | operator= (const Subsystem &) |
| Copy assignment deletes the Subsystem::Guts object if there is one and then behaves like the copy constructor. More...
| ~Subsystem () |
| Destructor deletes the referenced Subsystem::Guts object if this is the owner handle of that object, otherwise does nothing. More...
QIndex | allocateQ (State &s, const Vector &qInit) const |
UIndex | allocateU (State &s, const Vector &uInit) const |
ZIndex | allocateZ (State &s, const Vector &zInit) const |
DiscreteVariableIndex | allocateDiscreteVariable (State &s, Stage g, AbstractValue *v) const |
DiscreteVariableIndex | allocateAutoUpdateDiscreteVariable (State &s, Stage invalidates, AbstractValue *v, Stage updateDependsOn) const |
CacheEntryIndex | allocateCacheEntry (const State &s, Stage dependsOn, Stage computedBy, AbstractValue *v) const |
CacheEntryIndex | allocateCacheEntry (const State &state, Stage g, AbstractValue *v) const |
CacheEntryIndex | allocateLazyCacheEntry (const State &state, Stage earliest, AbstractValue *v) const |
QErrIndex | allocateQErr (const State &s, int nqerr) const |
UErrIndex | allocateUErr (const State &s, int nuerr) const |
UDotErrIndex | allocateUDotErr (const State &s, int nudoterr) const |
EventTriggerByStageIndex | allocateEventTriggersByStage (const State &s, Stage g, int ntriggers) const |
const Vector & | getQ (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getU (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getZ (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUWeights (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getZWeights (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updQ (State &s) const |
Vector & | updU (State &s) const |
Vector & | updZ (State &s) const |
const Vector & | getQDot (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUDot (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getZDot (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getQDotDot (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updQDot (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updUDot (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updZDot (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updQDotDot (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getQErr (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUErr (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getQErrWeights (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUErrWeights (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getUDotErr (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getMultipliers (const State &s) const |
const Vector & | getEventTriggersByStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
Vector & | updQErr (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updUErr (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updUDotErr (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updMultipliers (const State &s) const |
Vector & | updEventTriggersByStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
SystemQIndex | getQStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNQ (const State &s) const |
SystemUIndex | getUStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNU (const State &s) const |
SystemZIndex | getZStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNZ (const State &s) const |
SystemQErrIndex | getQErrStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNQErr (const State &s) const |
SystemUErrIndex | getUErrStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNUErr (const State &s) const |
SystemUDotErrIndex | getUDotErrStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNUDotErr (const State &s) const |
SystemMultiplierIndex | getMultipliersStart (const State &s) const |
int | getNMultipliers (const State &s) const |
SystemEventTriggerByStageIndex | getEventTriggerStartByStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
int | getNEventTriggersByStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
void | setQ (State &s, const Vector &q) const |
void | setU (State &s, const Vector &u) const |
void | setZ (State &s, const Vector &z) const |
Stage | getStage (const State &s) const |
void | advanceToStage (const State &s, Stage g) const |
const AbstractValue & | getDiscreteVariable (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex index) const |
AbstractValue & | updDiscreteVariable (State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex index) const |
const AbstractValue & | getCacheEntry (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex index) const |
AbstractValue & | updCacheEntry (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex index) const |
Real | getDiscreteVarLastUpdateTime (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
CacheEntryIndex | getDiscreteVarUpdateIndex (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
const AbstractValue & | getDiscreteVarUpdateValue (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
AbstractValue & | updDiscreteVarUpdateValue (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
bool | isDiscreteVarUpdateValueRealized (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
void | markDiscreteVarUpdateValueRealized (const State &s, DiscreteVariableIndex dx) const |
bool | isCacheValueRealized (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex cx) const |
void | markCacheValueRealized (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex cx) const |
void | markCacheValueNotRealized (const State &s, CacheEntryIndex cx) const |
const String & | getName () const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
const String & | getVersion () const |
| Obtain the Subsystem version string if one was given on construction. More...
bool | isInSystem () const |
| Return true if this Subsystem is contained in a System. More...
bool | isInSameSystem (const Subsystem &otherSubsystem) const |
| Return true if this Subsystem is contained in the same System as contains the given otherSubsystem. More...
const System & | getSystem () const |
| Return a const reference to the System that contains this Subsystem. More...
System & | updSystem () |
| Return a writable reference to the System that contains this Subsystem. More...
void | setSystem (System &system, SubsystemIndex subx) |
| Inform this Subsystem of the System that contains it, as well as the SubsystemIndex which the System has assigned to it. More...
SubsystemIndex | getMySubsystemIndex () const |
| Return the SubsystemIndex within the containing System. More...
bool | isEmptyHandle () const |
| Return true if this handle has a null Subsystem::Guts pointer. More...
bool | isSameSubsystem (const Subsystem &otherSubsystem) const |
| Determine if this Subsystem handle refers to the same Subsystem::Guts object as handle otherSubsystem. More...
bool | isOwnerHandle () const |
| Is this Subsystem handle the owner of the Subsystem::Guts object it points to? This is true if the handle is empty or if its Guts object points back to this handle. More...
bool | subsystemTopologyHasBeenRealized () const |
| Returns true if this Subsystem's realizeTopology() method has been called since the last topological change or call to invalidateSubsystemTopologyCache(). More...
void | invalidateSubsystemTopologyCache () const |
| Always call this method when a topological change is made to this Subsystem to indicate that any Stage::Topology cache values may need recomputation. More...
MeasureIndex | adoptMeasure (AbstractMeasure &) |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
AbstractMeasure | getMeasure (MeasureIndex) const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
template<class T > |
Measure_< T > | getMeasure_ (MeasureIndex mx) const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
const Subsystem::Guts & | getSubsystemGuts () const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
Subsystem::Guts & | updSubsystemGuts () |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
void | adoptSubsystemGuts (Subsystem::Guts *g) |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
| Subsystem (Subsystem::Guts *g) |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...
bool | hasGuts () const |
| Obtain the Subsystem name if one was given on construction of the concrete Subsystem. More...