| Implementation (const T &defaultValue, int numCacheEntries=1) |
| Implementation (int numCacheEntries=1) |
| Argument numCacheEntries should be one greater than the number of derivatives; that is, there is room for the value ("0th" derivative) also. More...
| Implementation (const Implementation &source) |
| Copy constructor copies the number of cache entries from the source, but not the cache indices themselves as those must be allocated uniquely for the copy. More...
int | size () const |
| Return the number of elements in the data type of this Measure; for Vector measures this is determined by the size of the default value. More...
int | getNumCacheEntries () const |
| Return the number of cache entries allocated for the value and derivatives of this Measure. More...
const T & | getCacheEntry (const State &s, int derivOrder) const |
| Get a const reference to the value stored in one of this Measure's cache entries, indexed by the derivative order (with the value treated as the 0th derivative). More...
T & | updCacheEntry (const State &s, int derivOrder) const |
| Get a writable reference to the value stored in one of this Measure's cache entries, indexed by the derivative order (with the value treated as the 0th derivative). More...
bool | isCacheValueRealized (const State &s, int derivOrder) const |
| Determine whether a particular one of this Measure's cache entries has already been realized since the given state was modified. More...
void | markCacheValueRealized (const State &s, int derivOrder) const |
| Mark one of this Measure's cache entries up to date; call this after you have calculated a value or derivative and stored it in the corresponding cache entry. More...
void | markCacheValueNotRealized (const State &s, int derivOrder) const |
| Invalidate one of this Measure's cache entries. More...
virtual void | realizeMeasureTopologyVirtual (State &) const |
| Concrete measures can override this to allocate Topology-stage resources. More...
virtual void | calcCachedValueVirtual (const State &, int derivOrder, T &value) const |
| Concrete measures must override this if the state cache is used for precalculated values or derivatives. More...
virtual const T & | getUncachedValueVirtual (const State &, int derivOrder) const |
| This is only called when derivOrder >= the number of cache entries we have, but still <= the number of derivatives the Measure says it can deliver. More...
const T & | getValueZero () const |
| Return a reference to a zero of the same type and size as this Measure's value. More...
| Implementation () |
| This default constructor is for use by concrete measure implementation classes. More...
| Implementation (const Implementation &src) |
| Base class copy constructor removes the Subsystem and sets the reference count to zero. More...
Implementation & | operator= (const Implementation &src) |
| Base class copy assignment operator removes the Subsystem, and sets the reference count to zero. More...
int | incrRefCount () const |
int | decrRefCount () const |
int | getRefCount () const |
int | getCopyNumber () const |
Implementation * | clone () const |
| This is a deep copy of the concrete Implementation object, except the Subsystem will have been removed. More...
void | realizeModel (State &s) const |
void | realizeInstance (const State &s) const |
void | realizeTime (const State &s) const |
void | realizePosition (const State &s) const |
void | realizeVelocity (const State &s) const |
void | realizeDynamics (const State &s) const |
void | realizeAcceleration (const State &s) const |
void | realizeReport (const State &s) const |
void | initialize (State &s) const |
| This should be called at the start of a time stepping study to cause this Measure to set its state variables (if any) in the supplied state to their initial conditions. More...
int | getNumTimeDerivatives () const |
Stage | getDependsOnStage (int derivOrder) const |
void | setSubsystem (Subsystem &sub, MeasureIndex mx) |
bool | isInSubsystem () const |
const Subsystem & | getSubsystem () const |
Subsystem & | updSubsystem () |
MeasureIndex | getSubsystemMeasureIndex () const |
SubsystemIndex | getSubsystemIndex () const |
void | invalidateTopologyCache () const |
Stage | getStage (const State &s) const |
virtual | ~Implementation () |
virtual Implementation * | cloneVirtual () const =0 |
virtual void | realizeMeasureModelVirtual (State &) const |
virtual void | realizeMeasureInstanceVirtual (const State &) const |
virtual void | realizeMeasureTimeVirtual (const State &) const |
virtual void | realizeMeasurePositionVirtual (const State &) const |
virtual void | realizeMeasureVelocityVirtual (const State &) const |
virtual void | realizeMeasureDynamicsVirtual (const State &) const |
virtual void | realizeMeasureAccelerationVirtual (const State &) const |
virtual void | realizeMeasureReportVirtual (const State &) const |
virtual void | initializeVirtual (State &) const |
virtual int | getNumTimeDerivativesVirtual () const |
virtual Stage | getDependsOnStageVirtual (int order) const =0 |