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SimTKcommon/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h File Reference

Mandatory first inclusion for any Simbody source or header file. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


class  SimTK::Vec< M, ELT, STRIDE >
 This is a fixed-length column vector designed for no-overhead inline computation. More...
class  SimTK::Row< N, ELT, STRIDE >
 This is a fixed-length row vector designed for no-overhead inline computation. More...
class  SimTK::Mat< M, N, ELT, CS, RS >
 This class represents a small matrix whose size is known at compile time, containing elements of any Composite Numerical Type (CNT) and engineered to have no runtime overhead whatsoever. More...
class  SimTK::SymMat< M, ELT, RS >
 This is a small, fixed-size symmetric or Hermitian matrix designed for no-overhead inline computation. More...
struct  SimTK::Segment
 A convenient struct for anything requiring an offset and length to specify a segment of some larger sequence. More...
struct  SimTK::DontCopy
 This is a special type used for causing invocation of a particular constructor or method overload that will avoid making a copy of the source (that is, perform a "shallow" copy rather than a "deep" copy). More...
struct  SimTK::TrustMe
 This is a special type used for forcing invocation of a particularly dangerous constructor or method overload; don't use this unless you are an advanced user and know exactly what you're getting into. More...
struct  SimTK::FalseType
 This is a compile-time equivalent of "false", used in compile-time condition checking in templatized implementations. More...
struct  SimTK::TrueType
 This is a compile-time equivalent of "true", used in compile-time condition checking in templatized implementations. More...
struct  SimTK::AndOpType< L, R >
 This is an operator for and-ing compile-time truth types. More...
struct  SimTK::AndOpType< FalseType, FalseType >
struct  SimTK::AndOpType< FalseType, TrueType >
struct  SimTK::AndOpType< TrueType, FalseType >
struct  SimTK::AndOpType< TrueType, TrueType >
struct  SimTK::OrOpType< L, R >
 This is an operator for or-ing compile-time truth types. More...
struct  SimTK::OrOpType< FalseType, FalseType >
struct  SimTK::OrOpType< FalseType, TrueType >
struct  SimTK::OrOpType< TrueType, FalseType >
struct  SimTK::OrOpType< TrueType, TrueType >
struct  SimTK::XorOpType< L, R >
 This is an operator for exclusive or-ing compile-time truth types. More...
struct  SimTK::XorOpType< FalseType, FalseType >
struct  SimTK::XorOpType< FalseType, TrueType >
struct  SimTK::XorOpType< TrueType, FalseType >
struct  SimTK::XorOpType< TrueType, TrueType >
struct  SimTK::IsIntegralType< T >
 Compile-time type test: is this one of the built-in integral types?. More...
struct  SimTK::IsFloatingType< T >
 Compile-time type test: is this one of the built-in floating point types?. More...
struct  SimTK::IsVoidType< T >
 Compile-time type test: is this the void type?. More...
struct  SimTK::IsVoidType< void >
struct  SimTK::IsArithmeticType< T >
 Compile-time test: is this one of the built-in "arithmetic" types, meaning an integral or floating type? More...
struct  SimTK::Is64BitHelper< is64Bit >
struct  SimTK::Is64BitHelper< true >
struct  SimTK::Is64BitHelper< false >
struct  SimTK::NiceTypeName< T >
 Obtain human-readable and XML-usable names for arbitrarily-complicated C++ types. More...


 This is the top-level SimTK namespace into which all SimTK names are placed to avoid collision with other symbols.
 This sub-namespace of SimTK is used for the exception types that are thrown by our error handing code.


 This compile-time constant determines the default precision used everywhere in SimTK Core code. More...
#define SimTK_DEBUG(s)   std::printf("DBG: " s)
#define SimTK_DEBUG1(s, a1)   std::printf("DBG: " s,a1)
#define SimTK_DEBUG2(s, a1, a2)   std::printf("DBG: " s,a1,a2)
#define SimTK_DEBUG3(s, a1, a2, a3)   std::printf("DBG: " s,a1,a2,a3)
#define SimTK_DEBUG4(s, a1, a2, a3, a4)   std::printf("DBG: " s,a1,a2,a3,a4)
#define SimTK_FORCE_INLINE   __attribute__((always_inline)) inline
#define NOEXCEPT_11   noexcept
#define DEPRECATED_14(MSG)   __attribute__((deprecated(MSG)))
#define OVERRIDE_11   override
#define FINAL_11   final
 Use this macro to define a unique "Index" type which is just a type-safe non-negative int, augmented with a "NaN" value given by the predefined int constant SimTK::InvalidIndex. More...
 Define a global (that is, SimTK namespace level) Index class with a MS VC++ "export" specification for DLLs. More...
 Define a local Index class within a Parent class. More...
 The most general form allows a MS VC++ "export" specification for DLLs, and a Parent class (with SEP=::) for local Index names. More...
#define SimTK_DYNAMIC_CAST_DEBUG   dynamic_cast
 Use this macro to generate a cast that is dynamic_cast in Debug builds but static_cast in Release builds, for uses where you don't want to pay for the extra safety. More...
#define SimTK_DOWNCAST(Derived, Parent)
 Add public static method declaration in class derived from an abstract parent to assist in downcasting objects of the parent type to the derived type. More...
#define SimTK_DOWNCAST2(Derived, Helper, Parent)
 This is like SimTK_DOWNCAST except it allows for an intermediate "helper" class between Derived and Parent. More...
#define SimTK_PIMPL_DOWNCAST(Derived, Parent)
 Similar to the above but for private implementation abstract classes, that is, abstract class hierarchies where the virtual function table is hidden on the library side. More...
 This macro must be invoked once for each of the built-in integral types to specialize the IsIntegralType struct template for those types. More...
 This macro must be invoked once for each of the built-in floating point types to specialize the IsFloatingType struct template for those types. More...
 This specializes the name of a type to be exactly the text you use to specify it, rather than whatever ugly thing might result on different platforms from resolution of typedefs, default template arguments, etc. More...


typedef double SimTK_Real
 This type is for use in C; in C++ use SimTK::Real instead. More...
typedef SimTK_Real SimTK::Real
 This is the default compiled-in floating point type for SimTK, either float or double. More...
typedef std::complex< Real > SimTK::Complex
 This is the default complex type for SimTK, with precision for the real and imaginary parts set to the compiled-in Real type. More...
typedef std::complex< float > SimTK::fComplex
 An abbreviation for std::complex<float> for consistency with others. More...
typedef std::complex< double > SimTK::dComplex
 An abbreviation for std::complex<double> for consistency with others. More...
typedef Is64BitHelper< Is64BitPlatform >::Result SimTK::Is64BitPlatformType


void SimTK_version_SimTKcommon (int *major, int *minor, int *build)
 Obtain version information for the currently-loaded SimTKcommon library. More...
void SimTK_about_SimTKcommon (const char *key, int maxlen, char *value)
 Obtain "about" information for the currently-loaded SimTKcommon library. More...
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (bool)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (char)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (unsigned char)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (signed char)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (short)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (int)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (unsigned int u)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (long i)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (unsigned long u)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (long long i)
bool SimTK::canStoreInInt (unsigned long long u)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (bool)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (char c)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (unsigned char)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (signed char c)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (short s)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (unsigned short)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (int i)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (long l)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (long long l)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (unsigned int u)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (unsigned long u)
bool SimTK::canStoreInNonnegativeInt (unsigned long long u)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (char sz, char mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (signed char sz, signed char mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (short sz, short mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (int sz, int mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (long sz, long mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (long long sz, long long mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (unsigned char sz, unsigned char mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (unsigned short sz, unsigned short mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (unsigned int sz, unsigned int mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (unsigned long sz, unsigned long mx)
bool SimTK::isSizeInRange (unsigned long long sz, unsigned long long mx)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (char ix, char sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (signed char ix, signed char sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (short ix, short sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (int ix, int sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (long ix, long sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (long long ix, long long sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (unsigned char ix, unsigned char sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (unsigned short ix, unsigned short sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (unsigned int ix, unsigned int sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (unsigned long ix, unsigned long sz)
bool SimTK::isIndexInRange (unsigned long long ix, unsigned long long sz)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (bool)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (char n)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (signed char n)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (short n)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (int n)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (long n)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (long long n)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (unsigned char)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (unsigned short)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (unsigned long)
bool SimTK::isNonnegative (unsigned long long)
template<class L , class R >
bool SimTK::operator!= (const L &left, const R &right)
template<class L , class R >
bool SimTK::operator> (const L &left, const R &right)
template<class L , class R >
bool SimTK::operator<= (const L &left, const R &right)
template<class L , class R >
bool SimTK::operator>= (const L &left, const R &right)
 SimTK::SimTK_SPECIALIZE_INTEGRAL_TYPE (unsigned long long)
constexpr bool SimTK::detect64BitPlatform ()
 Compile-time test: this typedef will be TrueType if this is a 64-bit platform, meaning that the size of a pointer is the same as the size of a long long; otherwise it will be FalseType and we have a 32-bit platform meaning that the size of a pointer is the same as an int. More...
 SimTK_NICETYPENAME_LITERAL (unsigned long long)
 SimTK_NICETYPENAME_LITERAL (std::complex< float >)
 SimTK_NICETYPENAME_LITERAL (std::complex< double >)
 SimTK_NICETYPENAME_LITERAL (std::complex< long double >)


static const int SimTK::InvalidIndex = -1111111111
static const bool SimTK::Is64BitPlatform = detect64BitPlatform()

Detailed Description

Mandatory first inclusion for any Simbody source or header file.

Every source and most header files using SimTK must include this header as its first inclusion. Declarations and definitions that must be available and compiler-and machine-specific issues are dealt with here.

This file must be includable from either C++ or ANSI C. It uses the ANSI-C++ macro "__cplusplus" for any code that will compile only under C++.

Macro Definition Documentation



This compile-time constant determines the default precision used everywhere in SimTK Core code.

Wherever a SimTK::Real, SimTK::Vector, SimTK::Matrix, etc. appears with no precision specified, it will have this underlying precision. We use 1==float, 2==double. Any other value will cause a compile time error. The default is 2, i.e., double precision.


#define SimTK_DEBUG (   s)    std::printf("DBG: " s)


#define SimTK_DEBUG1 (   s,
)    std::printf("DBG: " s,a1)


#define SimTK_DEBUG2 (   s,
)    std::printf("DBG: " s,a1,a2)


#define SimTK_DEBUG3 (   s,
)    std::printf("DBG: " s,a1,a2,a3)


#define SimTK_DEBUG4 (   s,
)    std::printf("DBG: " s,a1,a2,a3,a4)




#define SimTK_FORCE_INLINE   __attribute__((always_inline)) inline


#define NOEXCEPT_11   noexcept


#define DEPRECATED_14 (   MSG)    __attribute__((deprecated(MSG)))


#define OVERRIDE_11   override

◆ FINAL_11

#define FINAL_11   final


static const NAME Invalid ## NAME;
The most general form allows a MS VC++ "export" specification for DLLs, and a Parent class (with SEP=...
Definition: SimTKcommon/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h:442

Use this macro to define a unique "Index" type which is just a type-safe non-negative int, augmented with a "NaN" value given by the predefined int constant SimTK::InvalidIndex.

We also allow the Index to take on the value -1 if that is produced by a subtraction operation acting on a previously-valid Index, since that can occur during loops which are processed from the end towards the beginning. -1 is then allowed in comparison operators but not in any other operations, including further decrementing.

No namespace is assumed for the newly-defined type; if you want the symbol in a namespace be sure to invoke the macro within that namespace. Make sure that the statement "#include <cassert>" appears somewhere before the point of invocation of this macro, because the defined Index type uses the assert() macro when in Debug mode.

For most uses it will behave like an int, and it has an implicit conversion to int. Importantly though, it has no implicit conversion from int so you can't pass some other kind of number where a particular kind of Index was expected. This is used to create Index types which can be used as array indices but which prevent accidental mixing of types. Examples: SubsystemIndex, ConstraintIndex.

If you create a type "ThingIndex" you will also get a constant of type ThingIndex named "InvalidThingIndex" which will be the initial value of any objects of type ThingIndex, and will have the same numerical value as SimTK::InvalidIndex. Define a global (that is, SimTK namespace level) Index class that is not exported in MS VC++ DLLs.


static const NAME Invalid ## NAME;
The most general form allows a MS VC++ "export" specification for DLLs, and a Parent class (with SEP=...
Definition: SimTKcommon/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h:442

Define a global (that is, SimTK namespace level) Index class with a MS VC++ "export" specification for DLLs.



Define a local Index class within a Parent class.



The most general form allows a MS VC++ "export" specification for DLLs, and a Parent class (with SEP=::) for local Index names.


#define SimTK_DYNAMIC_CAST_DEBUG   dynamic_cast

Use this macro to generate a cast that is dynamic_cast in Debug builds but static_cast in Release builds, for uses where you don't want to pay for the extra safety.

Caution: these are not necessarily equivalent for dynamic types that use multiple inheritance; don't use this macro in that case, and don't use it where you are using dynamic_cast on a pointer to check what type of derived object you're looking at.


#define SimTK_DOWNCAST (   Derived,
static bool isA(const Parent& p) \
{ return dynamic_cast<const Derived*>(&p) != 0; } \
static const Derived& downcast(const Parent& p) \
{ return SimTK_DYNAMIC_CAST_DEBUG<const Derived&>(p); } \
static Derived& updDowncast(Parent& p) \
{ return SimTK_DYNAMIC_CAST_DEBUG<Derived&>(p); } \
static Derived& downcast(Parent& p) \
{ return SimTK_DYNAMIC_CAST_DEBUG<Derived&>(p); }

Add public static method declaration in class derived from an abstract parent to assist in downcasting objects of the parent type to the derived type.


#define SimTK_DOWNCAST2 (   Derived,
static bool isA(const Parent& p) \
{ return Helper::isA(p); } \
static const Derived& downcast(const Parent& p) \
{ return static_cast<const Derived&>(Helper::downcast(p)); } \
static Derived& updDowncast(Parent& p) \
{ return static_cast<Derived&>(Helper::downcast(p)); } \
static Derived& downcast(Parent& p) \
{ return static_cast<Derived&>(Helper::downcast(p)); }

This is like SimTK_DOWNCAST except it allows for an intermediate "helper" class between Derived and Parent.


#define SimTK_PIMPL_DOWNCAST (   Derived,
static bool isInstanceOf(const Parent&); \
static const Derived& downcast(const Parent&); \
static Derived& updDowncast(Parent&)

Similar to the above but for private implementation abstract classes, that is, abstract class hierarchies where the virtual function table is hidden on the library side.


template<> struct IsIntegralType<T> \
{typedef TrueType Result; static const bool result = true;}

This macro must be invoked once for each of the built-in integral types to specialize the IsIntegralType struct template for those types.


template<> struct IsFloatingType<T> \
{typedef TrueType Result; static const bool result = true;}

This macro must be invoked once for each of the built-in floating point types to specialize the IsFloatingType struct template for those types.


namespace SimTK { \
template <> struct NiceTypeName< T > { \
static const char* name() { return #T; } \
static const std::string& namestr() { \
static const std::string str(#T); \
return str; \
} \
static const std::string& xmlstr() { \
static const std::string xml = encodeTypeNameForXML(namestr()); \
return xml; \
} \
}; \
This is the top-level SimTK namespace into which all SimTK names are placed to avoid collision with o...
Definition: Assembler.h:37
static const std::string & namestr()
The default implementation of namestr() attempts to return a nicely demangled and canonicalized type ...
Definition: SimTKcommon/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h:867
static const char * name()
The default implementation of name() here returns the raw result from `typeid(T). ...
Definition: SimTKcommon/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h:862
static const std::string & xmlstr()
The default implementation of xmlstr() takes the output of namestr() and invokes SimTK::encodeTypeNam...
Definition: SimTKcommon/include/SimTKcommon/internal/common.h:874
std::string encodeTypeNameForXML(std::string &&canonicalizedTypeName)
Given a canonicalized type name, produce a modified version that is better-suited to use as an XML at...

This specializes the name of a type to be exactly the text you use to specify it, rather than whatever ugly thing might result on different platforms from resolution of typedefs, default template arguments, etc.

Note that this macro generates a template specialization that must be done in the SimTK namespace; consequently it opens and closes namespace SimTK and must not be invoked if you already have that namespace open.

Typedef Documentation

◆ SimTK_Real

typedef double SimTK_Real

This type is for use in C; in C++ use SimTK::Real instead.

Function Documentation

◆ SimTK_version_SimTKcommon()

void SimTK_version_SimTKcommon ( int *  major,
int *  minor,
int *  build 

Obtain version information for the currently-loaded SimTKcommon library.

◆ SimTK_about_SimTKcommon()

void SimTK_about_SimTKcommon ( const char *  key,
int  maxlen,
char *  value 

Obtain "about" information for the currently-loaded SimTKcommon library.

Available keywords are "version" (, "library", "type" (shared or static), "copyright", "svn_revision", "authors", "debug" (debug or release).








SimTK_NICETYPENAME_LITERAL ( unsigned  char)








SimTK_NICETYPENAME_LITERAL ( unsigned long  long)










SimTK_NICETYPENAME_LITERAL ( std::complex< float >  )


SimTK_NICETYPENAME_LITERAL ( std::complex< double >  )


SimTK_NICETYPENAME_LITERAL ( std::complex< long double >  )