| UnitVec () |
| Default constructor initializes to all-NaN even in Release mode so that we maintain the above-promised contract. More...
| UnitVec (const UnitVec &u) |
| Copy constructor does not require normalization since we know the source is a unit vector. More...
template<int S2> |
| UnitVec (const UnitVec< P, S2 > &u) |
| Automatic conversion from UnitVec with different stride; no computation required. More...
| UnitVec (const BaseVec &v) |
| Explicit conversion from Vec to UnitVec, requiring expensive normalization. More...
template<int S2> |
| UnitVec (const Vec< 3, P, S2 > &v) |
| Explicit conversion from Vec of any stride to this UnitVec, requiring expensive normalization. More...
| UnitVec (const P &x, const P &y, const P &z) |
| Create a unit vector in the direction of the vector (x,y,z) whose measure numbers are supplied – this requires an expensive normalization since we don't know that the supplied vector is normalized. More...
| UnitVec (const CoordinateAxis &axis) |
| Implicit conversion from a coordinate axis XAxis, YAxis, or ZAxis to a UnitVec3. Does not require any computation. More...
| UnitVec (const CoordinateDirection &dir) |
| Implicit conversion from a coordinate axis direction to a UnitVec3. The axis direction is given by one of XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis or NegXAxis, NegYAxis, NegZAxis. Does not require any computation. More...
| UnitVec (int axis) |
| Construct a unit axis vector 100 010 001 given 0,1, or 2; this is not an implicit conversion. More...
UnitVec & | operator= (const UnitVec &u) |
| Copy assignment does not require normalization. More...
template<int S2> |
UnitVec & | operator= (const UnitVec< P, S2 > &u) |
| Copy assignment from a UnitVec whose stride differs from this one; no normalization required. More...
const BaseVec & | asVec3 () const |
| Return a reference to the underlying Vec3 (no copying here). More...
UnitVec< P, 1 > | negate () const |
| Returns a new unit vector pointing in the opposite direction from this one; does not modify this UnitVec object. More...
UnitVec< P, 1 > | operator- () const |
| Returns a new unit vector pointing in the opposite direction from this one. More...
const TransposeType & | operator~ () const |
| Return a const reference to this unit vector re-expressed as a unit row; no computational cost. More...
TransposeType & | operator~ () |
| Return a writable reference to this unit vector re-expressed as a unit row; no computational cost. More...
const P & | operator[] (int i) const |
| Return one element of this unit vector as a const reference; there is no corresponding writable index function since changing a single element of a unit vector would violate the contract that it has unit length at all times. More...
const P & | operator() (int i) const |
| Return one element of this unit vector as a const reference; there is no corresponding writable index function since changing a single element of a unit vector would violate the contract that it has unit length at all times. More...
UnitVec< P, 1 > | abs () const |
| Return a new unit vector whose measure numbers are the absolute values of the ones here. More...
UnitVec< P, 1 > | perp () const |
| Return a new unit vector perpendicular to this one but otherwise arbitrary. More...
| UnitVec (const BaseVec &v, bool) |
| (Advanced) This constructor is only for our friends whom we trust to give us an already-normalized vector which we simply accept as normalized without checking. More...
template<int S2> |
| UnitVec (const Vec< 3, P, S2 > &v, bool) |
| (Advanced) This constructor is only for our friends whom we trust to give us an already-normalized vector which we simply accept as normalized without checking (this version accepts an input vector of any stride). More...
ScalarNormSq | scalarNormSqr () const |
| Scalar norm square is sum( conjugate squares of all underlying scalars ), where conjugate square of scalar s is conj(s)*s. More...
TSqrt | sqrt () const |
| Elementwise square root; that is, the return value has the same length as this Vec but with each element replaced by whatever it thinks its square root is. More...
TAbs | abs () const |
| Elementwise absolute value; that is, the return value has the same dimension as this Vec but with each element replaced by whatever it thinks its absolute value is. More...
TStandard | standardize () const |
| Return a copy of this Vec but with the underlying scalar type converted (if necessary) to one of the C++ standard real or complex floating point types. More...
EStandard | sum () const |
| Sum just adds up all the elements into a single return element that is the same type as this Vec's elements except standardized to use one of the C++ built-in real or complex types as its underlying scalars. More...
| Vec () |
| Default construction initializes Vec's elements to NaN when debugging but leaves them uninitialized garbage otherwise, so declarations have zero cost in Release builds. More...
| Vec (const Vec &src) |
| Copy constructor copies the logically-included elements from the source Vec; gaps due to stride are not accessed in either source or destination. More...
| Vec (const Vec< M, E, SS > &src) |
| This is an implicit conversion from a Vec of the same length and element type but with a different stride. More...
| Vec (const Vec< M, ENeg, SS > &src) |
| This is an implicit conversion from a Vec of the same length and negated element type (possibly with a different stride). More...
| Vec (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &src) |
| Construct a Vec from a Vec of the same length, with any stride. More...
| Vec (const E &e) |
| Construction from a single value of this Vec's element type assigns that value to each element. More...
| Vec (const ENeg &ne) |
| Construction from a single value of this Vec's negated element type assigns that value to each element, requiring floating point negation to be performed once to compute the type-E representation of the type negator<E> value provided. More...
| Vec (int i) |
| Given an int value, turn it into a suitable floating point number, convert that to element type E and then feed that to the above single-element constructor. More...
| Vec (const E &e0, const E &e1) |
| Construct a Vec<2,E> from two elements of type E, etc. More...
| Vec (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2) |
| Vec (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3) |
| Vec (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4) |
| Vec (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5) |
| Vec (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6) |
| Vec (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7) |
| Vec (const E &e0, const E &e1, const E &e2, const E &e3, const E &e4, const E &e5, const E &e6, const E &e7, const E &e8) |
| Vec (const EE *p) |
| Construction from a pointer to elements of any type EE assumes we're pointing at a C++ array of EE's of the right length, and that EE is assignment compatible with this Vec's element type E. More...
Vec & | operator= (const Vec &src) |
| Copy assignment operator copies the logically-included elements from the source Vec; gaps due to stride are not accessed in either source or destination. More...
Vec & | operator= (const EE *p) |
| Assignment to a pointer to elements of any type EE assumes we're pointing at a C++ array of EE's of the right length, and that EE is assignment compatible with this Vec's element type E. More...
Vec & | operator= (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &vv) |
| Assignment to a conforming Vec, of any element type and stride, provided that the element types are assignment-compatible. More...
Vec & | operator= (const EE &e) |
Vec & | operator+= (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r) |
| Add in a conforming Vec, of any element type and stride, provided that the element types are addition-compatible. More...
Vec & | operator+= (const Vec< M, negator< EE >, SS > &r) |
| Add in a conforming Vec, of any negated element type and stride, provided that the element types are addition-compatible. More...
Vec & | operator+= (const EE &e) |
Vec & | operator-= (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r) |
| Subtract off a conforming Vec, of any element type and stride, provided that the element types are addition-compatible. More...
Vec & | operator-= (const Vec< M, negator< EE >, SS > &r) |
| Subtract off a conforming Vec, of any negated element type and stride, provided that the element types are addition-compatible. More...
Vec & | operator-= (const EE &e) |
Vec< M, typename CNT< E >::template Result< EE >::Add > | conformingAdd (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r) const |
| Vector addition – use operator+ instead. More...
Vec< M, typename CNT< E >::template Result< EE >::Sub > | conformingSubtract (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r) const |
| Vector subtraction – use operator- instead. More...
Mat< M, M, typename CNT< E >::template Result< EE >::Mul > | conformingMultiply (const Row< M, EE, SS > &r) const |
| Same as outer product (m = col*row) – use operator* or outer() instead. More...
Vec< M, typename CNT< E >::template Result< EE >::Mul > | elementwiseMultiply (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r) const |
| Elementwise multiply (Matlab " .* " operator). More...
Vec< M, typename CNT< E >::template Result< EE >::Dvd > | elementwiseDivide (const Vec< M, EE, SS > &r) const |
| Elementwise divide (Matlab " ./ " operator). More...
const E & | operator[] (int i) const |
| Select an element of this Vec and return a const reference to it. More...
E & | operator[] (int i) |
| Select an element of this Vec and return a writable reference to it. More...
const E & | operator() (int i) const |
| Same as const operator[] above. More...
E & | operator() (int i) |
| Same as non-const operator[] above. More...
ScalarNormSq | normSqr () const |
CNT< ScalarNormSq >::TSqrt | norm () const |
TNormalize | normalize () const |
| If the elements of this Vec are scalars, the result is what you get by dividing each element by the norm() calculated above. More...
TInvert | invert () const |
| This method is not supported for Vec objects. More...
const Vec & | operator+ () const |
| Unary plus does nothing. More...
const TNeg & | operator- () const |
| Unary minus recasts this Vec to a type that has the opposite interpretation of the sign but is otherwise identical, so no computation or copying is performed here. More...
TNeg & | operator- () |
| Recast to negated type and return a writable reference; writing to this will cause the negated result to be placed in the original Vec. More...
const THerm & | operator~ () const |
| The Hermitian transpose operator recasts this Vec to a type that specifies the opposite storage order (row vs. column) then returns a reference, so no computation or copying is performed here. More...
THerm & | operator~ () |
| Recast to Hermitian transposed type and return a writable reference; the effect is that writing to elements of the result affects the transposed element of the original Vec. More...
const TNeg & | negate () const |
| Non-operator version of unary negation; just a recast. More...
TNeg & | updNegate () |
| Non-operator version of unary negation; recasts and returns a writable reference. More...
const THerm & | transpose () const |
| Non-operator version of Hermitian transpose; just a recast. More...
THerm & | updTranspose () |
| Non-operator version of Hermitian transpose; recasts and returns a writable reference. More...
const TPosTrans & | positionalTranspose () const |
| Positional transpose turns this Vec into a Row but does not transpose the individual elements. More...
TPosTrans & | updPositionalTranspose () |
| Positional transpose returning a writable reference. More...
const TReal & | real () const |
| Return a reference to the real portion of this Vec if it has complex elements; otherwise the type doesn't change. More...
TReal & | real () |
| Recast to show only the real portion of this Vec and return a writable reference. More...
const TImag & | imag () const |
| Return a reference to the imaginary portion of this Vec if it has complex elements; otherwise the type doesn't change. More...
TImag & | imag () |
| Recast to show only the imaginary portion of this Vec and return a writable reference. More...
const TWithoutNegator & | castAwayNegatorIfAny () const |
| Recast to remove negators from this Vec's type if present; this is handy for simplifying operations where we know the sign can be ignored such as squaring. More...
TWithoutNegator & | updCastAwayNegatorIfAny () |
| Recast to remove negators from this Vec's type if present and return a writable reference. More...
Vec< M, typename CNT< E >::template Result< EE >::Mul > | scalarMultiply (const EE &e) const |
Vec< M, typename CNT< EE >::template Result< E >::Mul > | scalarMultiplyFromLeft (const EE &e) const |
Vec< M, typename CNT< E >::template Result< EE >::Dvd > | scalarDivide (const EE &e) const |
Vec< M, typename CNT< EE >::template Result< E >::Dvd > | scalarDivideFromLeft (const EE &e) const |
Vec< M, typename CNT< E >::template Result< EE >::Add > | scalarAdd (const EE &e) const |
Vec< M, typename CNT< E >::template Result< EE >::Sub > | scalarSubtract (const EE &e) const |
Vec< M, typename CNT< EE >::template Result< E >::Sub > | scalarSubtractFromLeft (const EE &e) const |
Vec & | operator*= (const EE &e) |
Vec & | operator/= (const EE &e) |
Vec & | scalarEq (const EE &ee) |
Vec & | scalarEq (int ee) |
Vec & | scalarPlusEq (const EE &ee) |
Vec & | scalarPlusEq (int ee) |
Vec & | scalarMinusEq (const EE &ee) |
Vec & | scalarMinusEq (int ee) |
Vec & | scalarMinusEqFromLeft (const EE &ee) |
Vec & | scalarMinusEqFromLeft (int ee) |
Vec & | scalarTimesEq (const EE &ee) |
Vec & | scalarTimesEq (int ee) |
Vec & | scalarTimesEqFromLeft (const EE &ee) |
Vec & | scalarTimesEqFromLeft (int ee) |
Vec & | scalarDivideEq (const EE &ee) |
Vec & | scalarDivideEq (int ee) |
Vec & | scalarDivideEqFromLeft (const EE &ee) |
Vec & | scalarDivideEqFromLeft (int ee) |
void | setToNaN () |
| Set every scalar in this Vec to NaN; this is the default initial value in Debug builds, but not in Release. More...
void | setToZero () |
| Set every scalar in this Vec to zero. More...
const Vec< MM, P, STRIDE > & | getSubVec (int i) const |
| Extract a const reference to a sub-Vec with size known at compile time. More...
Vec< MM, P, STRIDE > & | updSubVec (int i) |
| Extract a writable reference to a sub-Vec with size known at compile time. More...
Vec< M-1, P, 1 > | drop1 (int p) const |
| Return a vector one smaller than this one by dropping the element at the indicated position p. More...
Vec< M+1, P, 1 > | append1 (const EE &v) const |
| Return a vector one larger than this one by adding an element to the end. More...
Vec< M+1, P, 1 > | insert1 (int p, const EE &v) const |
| Return a vector one larger than this one by inserting an element before the indicated one. More...
bool | isNaN () const |
| Return true if any element of this Vec contains a NaN anywhere. More...
bool | isInf () const |
| Return true if any element of this Vec contains a +Infinity or -Infinity somewhere but no element contains a NaN anywhere. More...
bool | isFinite () const |
| Return true if no element of this Vec contains an Infinity or a NaN anywhere. More...
bool | isNumericallyEqual (const Vec< M, E2, RS2 > &v, double tol) const |
| Test whether this vector is numerically equal to some other vector with the same shape, using a specified tolerance. More...
bool | isNumericallyEqual (const Vec< M, E2, RS2 > &v) const |
| Test whether this vector is numerically equal to some other vector with the same shape, using a default tolerance which is the looser of the default tolerances of the two objects being compared. More...
bool | isNumericallyEqual (const P &e, double tol=getDefaultTolerance()) const |
| Test whether every element of this vector is numerically equal to the given element, using either a specified tolerance or the vector's default tolerance (which is always the same or looser than the default tolerance for one of its elements). More...
std::string | toString () const |
| Print Vec into a string and return it. More...
void | set (int i, const E &value) |
| Variant of operator[] that's scripting friendly to set ith entry. More...
const E & | get (int i) const |
| Variant of operator[] that's scripting friendly to get const reference to ith entry. More...