| Unknown () |
| Create an empty Unknown node handle, suitable only for holding references to other Unknown nodes. More...
| Unknown (const String &contents) |
| Create a new Unknown node with the given contents; the node is not yet owned by any XML document. More...
| Unknown (Element &element, const String &contents) |
| Create a new Unknown node and append it to the list of nodes that are children of the given Element. More...
Unknown | clone () const |
| The clone() method makes a deep copy of this Unknown node and returns a new orphan Unknown node with the same contents; ordinary assignment and copy construction are shallow. More...
const String & | getContents () const |
| Obtain the contents of this Unknown node. More...
void | setContents (const String &contents) |
| Change the contents of this Unknown node. More...
bool | operator== (const Node &other) const |
| Comparing Nodes for equality means asking if the two Node handles are referring to exactly the same object; two different nodes that happen to have the same properties will not test equal by this criteria. More...
bool | operator!= (const Node &other) const |
| Inequality test using same criteria as operator==(). More...
| Node () |
| Create an empty Node handle that can be used to hold a reference to any kind of Node. More...
| Node (const Node &src) |
| Copy constructor is shallow; that is, this handle will refer to the same node as the source. More...
Node & | operator= (const Node &src) |
| Copy assignment is shallow; the handle is first cleared and then will refer to the same node as the source. More...
Node | clone () const |
| The clone() method makes a deep copy of this Node and its children and returns a new orphan Node with the same contents; ordinary assignment and copy construction is shallow. More...
| ~Node () |
| The Node handle destructor does not recover heap space so if you create orphan nodes and then don't put them in a document there will be a memory leak unless you explicitly destruct them first with clearOrphan(). More...
void | clear () |
| This method restores the Node handle to its default-constructed state but does not recover any heap space; use clearOrphan() if you know this node was never put into a document. More...
void | clearOrphan () |
| This method explicitly frees the heap space for an orphan node that was created but never inserted into a document. More...
NodeType | getNodeType () const |
| Get the Xml::NodeType of this node. More...
String | getNodeTypeAsString () const |
| Get the Node type as a string; an empty handle returns "NoNode". More...
bool | isValid () const |
| Return true if this Node handle is referencing some node, false if the Node handle is empty. More...
bool | isTopLevelNode () const |
| Return true if this Node is owned by the top-level Xml document, false if the Node is owned by an Element or is an orphan, or if the Node handle is empty. More...
bool | isOrphan () const |
| Return true if this Node is an orphan, meaning that it is not empty, but is not owned by any element or top-level document. More...
bool | hasParentElement () const |
| Return true if this node has a parent, i.e. More...
Element | getParentElement () |
| Return a handle referencing this node's parent if it has one, otherwise throws an error; check first with hasParentElement() if you aren't sure. More...
const String & | getNodeText () const |
| Return a text value associated with this Node (not including its child nodes if any); the behavior depends on the NodeType. More...
void | writeToString (String &out, bool compact=false) const |
| Serialize this node (and everything it contains) to the given String. More...