This is a 3rd order Runge-Kutta Integrator using coefficients from J.C. More...
Public Member Functions | |
RungeKutta3Integrator (const System &sys) | |
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Integrator () | |
~Integrator () | |
const char * | getMethodName () const |
Get the name of this integration method. More... | |
int | getMethodMinOrder () const |
Get the minimum order this Integrator may use. More... | |
int | getMethodMaxOrder () const |
Get the maximum order this Integrator may use. More... | |
bool | methodHasErrorControl () const |
Get whether this Integrator provides error control. More... | |
void | initialize (const State &state) |
Supply the integrator with a starting state. More... | |
void | reinitialize (Stage stage, bool shouldTerminate) |
After an event handler has made a discontinuous change to the Integrator's "advanced state", this method must be called to reinitialize the Integrator. More... | |
const State & | getState () const |
Return a State corresponding to the "current" time at the end of the last call to stepTo() or stepBy(). More... | |
Real | getTime () const |
Get the time of the current State. This is equivalent to calling getState().getTime(). More... | |
bool | isStateInterpolated () const |
Get whether getState() will return an interpolated state or just the same thing as getAdvancedState() does. More... | |
const State & | getAdvancedState () const |
Return the state representing the trajectory point to which the integrator has irreversibly advanced. More... | |
Real | getAdvancedTime () const |
Get the time of the advanced State. This is equivalent to calling getAdvancedState().getTime(). More... | |
State & | updAdvancedState () |
Get a non-const reference to the advanced state. More... | |
Real | getAccuracyInUse () const |
Get the accuracy which is being used for error control. More... | |
Real | getConstraintToleranceInUse () const |
Get the constraint tolerance which is being used for error control. More... | |
SuccessfulStepStatus | stepTo (Real reportTime, Real scheduledEventTime=Infinity) |
Integrate the System until something happens which requires outside processing, and return a status code describing what happened. More... | |
SuccessfulStepStatus | stepBy (Real interval, Real scheduledEventTime=Infinity) |
Integrate the System until something happens which requires outside processing, and return a status code describing what happened. More... | |
Vec2 | getEventWindow () const |
Get the window (tLow, tHigh] within which one or more events have been localized. More... | |
const Array_< EventId > & | getTriggeredEvents () const |
Get the IDs of all events which have been localized within the event window. More... | |
const Array_< Real > & | getEstimatedEventTimes () const |
Get the estimated times of all events which have been localized within the event window. More... | |
const Array_< Event::Trigger > & | getEventTransitionsSeen () const |
Get EventTriggers describing the events which have been localized within the event window. More... | |
bool | isSimulationOver () const |
Get whether the simulation has terminated. More... | |
TerminationReason | getTerminationReason () const |
Get the reason the simulation terminated. More... | |
void | resetAllStatistics () |
Reset all statistics to zero. More... | |
Real | getActualInitialStepSizeTaken () const |
Get the size of the first successful step after the last initialize() call. More... | |
Real | getPreviousStepSizeTaken () const |
Get the size of the most recent successful step. More... | |
Real | getPredictedNextStepSize () const |
Get the step size that will be attempted first on the next call to stepTo() or stepBy(). More... | |
int | getNumStepsAttempted () const |
Get the total number of steps that have been attempted (successfully or unsuccessfully) since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumStepsTaken () const |
Get the total number of steps that have been successfully taken since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumRealizations () const |
Get the total number of state realizations that have been performed since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumQProjections () const |
Get the total number of times a state positions Q have been projected since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumUProjections () const |
Get the total number of times a state velocities U have been projected since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumProjections () const |
Get the total number of times a state has been projected (counting both Q and U projections) since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumErrorTestFailures () const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to the error being unacceptably high since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumConvergenceTestFailures () const |
Get the number of attempted steps that failed due to non-convergence of internal step iterations. More... | |
int | getNumRealizationFailures () const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to an error when realizing the state since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumQProjectionFailures () const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to an error when projecting the state positions (Q) since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumUProjectionFailures () const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to an error when projecting the state velocities (U) since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumProjectionFailures () const |
Get the number of attempted steps that have failed due to an error when projecting the state (either a Q- or U-projection) since the last call to resetAllStatistics(). More... | |
int | getNumConvergentIterations () const |
For iterative methods, get the number of internal step iterations in steps that led to convergence (not necessarily successful steps). More... | |
int | getNumDivergentIterations () const |
For iterative methods, get the number of internal step iterations in steps that did not lead to convergence. More... | |
int | getNumIterations () const |
For iterative methods, this is the total number of internal step iterations taken regardless of whether those iterations led to convergence or to successful steps. More... | |
void | setFinalTime (Real tFinal) |
Set the time at which the simulation should end. More... | |
void | setInitialStepSize (Real hinit) |
Set the initial step size that should be attempted. More... | |
void | setMinimumStepSize (Real hmin) |
Set the minimum step size that should ever be used. More... | |
void | setMaximumStepSize (Real hmax) |
Set the maximum step size that should ever be used. More... | |
void | setFixedStepSize (Real stepSize) |
Set the integrator to use a single fixed step size for all steps. More... | |
void | setAccuracy (Real accuracy) |
Set the overall accuracy that should be used for integration. More... | |
void | setConstraintTolerance (Real consTol) |
Set the tolerance within which constraints must be satisfied. More... | |
void | setUseInfinityNorm (bool useInfinityNorm) |
(Advanced) Use infinity norm (maximum absolute value) instead of default RMS norm to evaluate whether accuracy has been achieved for states and for constraint tolerance. More... | |
bool | isInfinityNormInUse () const |
(Advanced) Are we currently using the infinity norm? More... | |
void | setInternalStepLimit (int nSteps) |
Set the maximum number of steps that may be taken within a single call to stepTo() or stepBy(). More... | |
void | setReturnEveryInternalStep (bool shouldReturn) |
Set whether the Integrator should return from stepTo() or stepBy() after every internal step, even if no event has occurred and the report time has not been reached. More... | |
void | setProjectEveryStep (bool forceProject) |
Set whether the system should be projected back to the constraint manifold after every step. More... | |
void | setAllowInterpolation (bool shouldInterpolate) |
Set whether the Integrator is permitted to return interpolated states for reporting purposes which may be less accurate than the "real" states that form the trajectory. More... | |
void | setProjectInterpolatedStates (bool shouldProject) |
Set whether interpolated states should be projected back to the constraint manifold after interpolation is performed. More... | |
void | setForceFullNewton (bool forceFullNewton) |
(Advanced) Constraint projection may use an out-of-date iteration matrix for efficiency. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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enum | SuccessfulStepStatus { ReachedReportTime =1, ReachedEventTrigger =2, ReachedScheduledEvent =3, TimeHasAdvanced =4, ReachedStepLimit =5, EndOfSimulation =6, StartOfContinuousInterval =7, InvalidSuccessfulStepStatus = -1 } |
When a step is successful, it will return an indication of what caused it to stop where it did. More... | |
enum | TerminationReason { ReachedFinalTime = 1, AnUnrecoverableErrorOccurred = 2, EventHandlerRequestedTermination = 3, InvalidTerminationReason = -1 } |
Once the simulation has ended, getTerminationReason() may be called to find out what caused it to end. More... | |
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static String | getSuccessfulStepStatusString (SuccessfulStepStatus) |
Get a human readable description of the reason a step returned. More... | |
static String | getTerminationReasonString (TerminationReason) |
Get a human readable description of the termination reason. More... | |
static String | successfulStepStatusString (SuccessfulStepStatus stat) |
OBSOLETE: use getSuccessfulStepStatusString(). More... | |
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const IntegratorRep & | getRep () const |
IntegratorRep & | updRep () |
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IntegratorRep * | rep |
This is a 3rd order Runge-Kutta Integrator using coefficients from J.C.
Butcher's book "The Numerical Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations", John Wiley & Sons, 1987, page 325. It is an error controlled, third order, three stage explicit integrator with an embedded 2nd order error estimate.
explicit |