| ViaPoint () |
| Default constructor creates an empty handle. More...
| ViaPoint (CablePath &path, const MobilizedBody &viaMobod, const Vec3 &defaultStation) |
| Insert a via point obstacle to the given cable path. More...
| CableObstacle () |
| Create an empty obstacle handle that can refer to any type of obstacle. More...
| CableObstacle (CablePath &path) |
| Insert this obstacle into the given cable path. More...
| CableObstacle (const CableObstacle &source) |
| Copy constructor is shallow and reference-counted; this handle will point to the same object as does the source. More...
CableObstacle & | operator= (const CableObstacle &source) |
| Copy assignment is shallow and reference-counted; this handle will point to the same object as does the source. More...
| ~CableObstacle () |
| Destructor clears the handle, deleting the referenced object if this was the last reference. More...
const Transform & | getDefaultTransform () const |
| Return the default pose X_BS of the obstacle S on its body B. More...
const MobilizedBody & | getMobilizedBody () const |
| Get a reference to the Mobilized body to which this obstacle is fixed. More...
const CablePath & | getCablePath () const |
| Return a reference to the CablePath in which this obstacle resides. More...
CableObstacleIndex | getObstacleIndex () const |
| Return the obstacle index within this obstacle's CablePath. More...
const DecorativeGeometry & | getDecorativeGeometry () const |
| Return decorative geometry that can be used to display this obstacle. More...
DecorativeGeometry & | updDecorativeGeometry () |
| Obtain writable access to the decorative geometry stored with this obstacle so you can modify it. More...
bool | isDisabledByDefault () const |
| Is this obstacle disabled by default? Note that this does not tell you whether it is currently disabled, just the setting that determines how it is treated when the system is first constructed. More...
CableObstacle & | setDisabledByDefault (bool shouldBeDisabled) |
| Set the "disabled by default" flag. More...
CableObstacle & | setDefaultTransform (const Transform &X_BS) |
| Replace the default transform for this obstacle; this is usually set in the constructor. More...
CableObstacle & | setDecorativeGeometry (const DecorativeGeometry &viz) |
| Replace the decorative geometry used for automatically-generated visualization of this obstacle when visualizing the cable path. More...
void | clear () |
| Clear this handle, deleting the referenced object if this was the last reference. More...
bool | isEmpty () const |
| See if this handle is empty. More...
const Impl & | getImpl () const |
Impl & | updImpl () |