Simbody  3.5
SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >, including all inherited members.

AlignedBox_()SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
AlignedBox_(const Vec3P &center, const Geo::Box_< P > &box)SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
AlignedBox_(const Vec3P &center, const Vec3P &halfLengths)SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
containsPoint(const Vec3P &pt_F) const SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
getBox() const SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
getCenter() const SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
getHalfLengths() const SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
setCenter(const Vec3P &center)SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
setHalfLengths(const Vec3P &halfLengths)SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
stretchBoundary()SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
updBox()SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline
updCenter()SimTK::Geo::AlignedBox_< P >inline